Your Personalized Roadmap to Improving Your Schools Culture

your complimentary school culture audit is inside

Your Personalized Roadmap to Improving Your Schools Culture

Hey Leader,

I want to provide you with a personalized roadmap to improving your school culture by giving you a school culture audit.

I have recently provided school culture audits for school leaders at Springfield Public Schools, Godley Station School, and Baltimore City Public Schools, and you’re next.

A school culture audit is perfect for you:

  • If you are A Principal, Assistant/Vice/Associate Principal, or Dean

  • If you have already established some elements to improve the culture of your school for staff and students but would like to learn additional ways to add value to what you are currently doing

  • If you are experiencing challenges with your school culture such as building community, teacher retention, student behavior & etc. and would like recommendations for improvement.

  • If you know the exact school budget or estimated school budget you would be willing to allocate towards your school culture improvement.

CLICK HERE to request your school culture audit.

Learn more about what’s included in a school culture audit by pressing play on the short video below.

Ready for your audit? Here are your next steps:

Step 1. Click the “request your audit” button below and submit a school culture audit inquiry.

Step 2. Once your inquiry is received you will be emailed a school culture audit submission form to complete. This form will need to be filled out within 1 week of receiving it.

Step 3. Once you submit your form, you will receive your customized audit by via an asynchronous video recording or a live video call - it’s your choice.

After the audit is complete, you will be able to determine the appropriate next steps based on our recommendations to improve your school’s culture for 23-24.


Learn how to streamline school-wide operations that decrease student disciplinary referrals and impact student and staff culture. Use the exact planning template I use when I work with schools to improve their school culture: SCHOOL-WIDE SYSTEMS & ROUTINES PLAYBOOK: Lead your students and staff to meet high expectations every minute every day.”

Here's how to get access:

  • Share your unique link below with your network

  • When they sign up, you get the credit.

  • Redeem your prize

  • Repeat!

*Please do not use fake email addresses — they will not qualify as referrals. Thank you!

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