Your New Teachers Need More Than a Mentorship Program

Why You Need a New Teacher Academy to Transform Your School's Culture and Retention Rates

The Secret to Increase New Teacher Retention and Improve School Culture

🧊Brain Freeze Bites

Here’s what you can expect in this weeks edition of the School Culture Scoop

  • Boost new teacher morale and retention with a New Teacher Academy

  • Transform your school's culture with comprehensive support for new teachers

  • Why a mentorship program isn't enough for new teacher success in Title 1 schools

🍦Scoop of the Week

Do you remember being a first-year teacher or in your beginning years of the profession? I’m sure you can remember how you felt - like a fish out of water. Matching that with todays education climate I understand how difficult it can be to support & retain new teachers in Title 1 schools. Where many school leaders go wrong is by relying on their district or a mentorship program to support their new teachers. But the solution isn't just a mentorship program. Your new teachers need more than that. Your new teachers need a New Teacher Academy.

Mentorship programs are great for providing new teachers with someone to turn to for advice and support. But a New Teacher Academy is a comprehensive system that goes beyond mentorship. It offers ongoing support, training, and resources to ensure your new teachers have everything they need to succeed.

Here are three reasons why you need a New Teacher Academy:

  1. Boost New Teacher Morale and Efficacy

New teachers often struggle with feelings of isolation and inadequacy. They may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their new role or unsure of how to effectively teach in a Title 1 school. A New Teacher Academy provides a supportive community where new teachers can connect with others who are facing similar challenges. Through ongoing training and resources, new teachers can develop their skills and confidence, which in turn, boosts their morale and efficacy in the classroom.

NTA participants providing survey feedback after a NTA session

  1. Increase New Teacher Retention

Retaining new teachers in Title 1 schools is a challenge. Many new teachers leave within the first five years of their career. A New Teacher Academy can help change that. By providing ongoing support and training, new teachers are more likely to stay in their role and continue to grow and develop. This not only benefits the individual teacher but also the school as a whole. Retaining new teachers helps to create a more stable and experienced teaching staff, which can lead to improved student outcomes.

NTA Participant Highlights Student Success

  1. Transform Your School's Culture

A New Teacher Academy can have a positive impact on your school's culture. By investing in the growth and development of your new teachers, you are showing that you value their contributions and are committed to their success. This can help to create a more supportive and collaborative school environment where everyone is working together to improve outcomes for students.

NTA participant expressing gratitude to me - Ms. Richardson for coaching her

In conclusion, while mentorship programs are important, they are not enough to fully support and retain new teachers in Title 1 schools. A New Teacher Academy offers a more comprehensive solution that can boost new teacher morale and efficacy, increase new teacher retention, and transform your school's culture. So, if you want to create a positive and thriving school environment, invest in designing, building, and launching New Teacher Academy at your campus by attending the first of four 2-hour new teacher academy workshops - each workshop builds upon the next!

🍒Toppings Bar

Simple teacher morale boosters

Outdoor Activities: Encourage teachers to take their lessons outdoors by providing resources and support. School leaders can provide outdoor seating, shade structures, or even an outdoor classroom. This can help teachers and students feel more connected to nature and boost their mental and physical health.

🍨Sweet Treat Spotlight

Sundaes are better when shared with friends

Learn how I led and implemented a school-based new teacher academy that increased new teacher retention by 70% and saved a large title 1 middle school campus $270,000 within 1 year. Refer someone in your network to this newsletter and get complimentary access to this case study below.

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