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The New Teacher Academy Blueprint: A Comprehensive Solution to Low Morale, Efficacy, and Retention

Improve Teacher Retention Rates in your school

The New Teacher Academy Workshops: A Comprehensive Solution to Low Morale, Efficacy, and Retention

🧊Brain Freeze Bites

Here’s what you can expect in this weeks edition of the School Culture Scoop

  1. Boost new teacher morale, efficacy, and retention rates with The New Teacher Academy Workshops

  2. Say goodbye to low teacher morale and retention rates in Title 1 schools

  3. Discover a comprehensive program designed to support and retain new teachers

🍦Scoop of the Week

Common problems that many of you could be facing: low new teacher morale, efficacy, and retention. These issues can be incredibly frustrating for school leaders like yourself and can have a negative impact on both the teachers and the students. But don't worry, I'm here to offer you a solution: The New Teacher Academy Workshops.

The New Teacher Academy Workshops are a total of 4 comprehensive one-day intensives with a proven framework designed to give you all the tools you need to implement a new teacher academy on your campus so that you can boost new teacher morale, increase new teacher efficacy, and improve new teacher retention rates. This program is specifically tailored for Title 1 schools, which often face unique challenges when it comes to retaining new teachers.

Now, you may be thinking, "Why do we need another program? We already have so many initiatives in place." But here's the thing: The New Teacher Academy Workshop is not just another professional development opportunity in which you will participate to check your leadership box. Instead, it’s where you will learn a proven system that has helped me support a large title 1 middle school to…

  • Increase new teacher retention by 70% - 9 of the 13 new teachers stayed

    • This resulted in a financial saving of $270,000 (as it costs $30,000 for every new hire a school district loses)

  • Have 100% of 13 first-year teachers increase their instructional practice (as evidenced by their performance evaluations) & confidence (as evidenced in their survey responses) during the pandemic

And it can do the same for your school.

So, what exactly is The New Teacher Academy Workshops? They are 2-hour experiences a total of 4 throughout the school year where you and your leadership team will design & build your New Teacher Academy so that you will walk away with all the tools you need to launch a low-lift, high-impact year-long New Teacher Academy on your campus the minute your teachers return to campus from their summer break. This workshop will help you provide your new teachers with the support and resources they need to be successful in their roles leading to an increase in teacher retention of up to 70%.

After you and your leadership team attend each workshop you can rest assured that you will be ready to have a sustainable & repeatable system for your teachers with the following big 4 supports:

  1. Professional Development: New teachers will receive ongoing professional development throughout the school year, including workshops, mentoring, and coaching.

  2. Collaboration: New teachers will have opportunities to collaborate with other new teachers and experienced educators, allowing them to learn from one another and build a strong support system.

  3. Feedback and Evaluation: New teachers will receive regular feedback and evaluations to help them identify areas for improvement and celebrate their successes.

  4. Personalized Support: Each new teacher will have a personalized support plan based on their individual needs and goals.

But The New Teacher Academy Workshops aren't just about equipping you & your team to support new teachers. It's also about creating a positive school culture that values and supports all teachers. By investing in your new teachers, you're investing in the future of your school.

So, if you're tired of low new teacher morale, efficacy, and retention rates, it's time to take action. The New Teacher Academy Workshop can help you be equipped to turn things around and create a school culture that values and supports all teachers.

I will leave you with this - the solution to low new teacher morale, efficacy, and retention rates is not another program. It's a comprehensive system that provides new teachers with the support and resources they need to be successful in their roles. A New Teacher Academy is that system, and it can help your school to create a positive and supportive culture that values all teachers.

New Teacher Academy Workshops: For school leaders who want to provide targeted support and professional development that is tailored to your new teachers’ needs and aligned to your schools’ strategic priorities through a school-based new teacher academy leading to increased teacher retention up to 70% and improvement in new teachers instructional practice in just 1 academic year. CLICK HERE for the interest form.

P.S. Did you know solid onboarding increases the retention rate of new teachers by over 93%? Onboarding is that critical part that happens after you've successfully secured your new hire. That's why I am going to give you a BONUS called my "I want to stay" new teacher onboarding plan customized for your campus and ready to implement as soon as your new hire signs the offer letter. You will get access to unlock this bonus when you submit your interest form for the new teacher academy workshops within the next 48 hours of receiving this email and if you choose to enroll in the new teacher academy workshops CLICK HERE for the interest form. 

🍒Toppings Bar

Simple teacher morale boosters

Staff Book Club: Start a staff book club where teachers can read and discuss books on education or personal growth. This can be a great way for teachers to connect and learn from each other. School leaders can choose books that align with the school's goals or provide a list of options for teachers to vote on. The book club meetings can be scheduled during lunch breaks or after school hours.

🍨Sweet Treat Spotlight

Sundaes are better when shared with friends

Learn how I led and implemented a school-based new teacher academy that increased new teacher retention by 70% and saved a large title 1 middle school campus $270,000 within 1 year. Refer someone in your network to this newsletter and get complimentary access to this case study below.

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